Tracey Samuelson


Tracey Samuelson is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

What was your first job?

Working in a bread store at the peak of the anti-carb movement.

What do you think is the hardest part of your job that no one knows?

Cramming all the interesting information I find reporting into a few minutes.

In your next life, what would your career be?

ER doctor.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Lots of stuff from Amazon.

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

That time I went to Hawaii ... on assignment.

Latest Stories (475)

Corinthian students get a break on their student loans

Jun 9, 2015
The Department of Education will forgive the federal loans many students who attended.

CalPERS' quest to pay lower money-management fees

Jun 8, 2015
U.S.'s largest public pension fund is expected to cut the number of firms in half.

The risks and rewards of selling dinner reservations

May 28, 2015
Apps make it easy for restaurants and patrons to charge for a last-minute table.

Currency control sits uneasily in trade deal

May 20, 2015
Adding currency rules to the Trans-Pacific Partnership is mired in controversy.

The Congressional Budget Office: staying above the fray

May 19, 2015
New CBO head Keith Hall has the tough job of keeping politics out of the agency.

Sotheby's courts new buyers with an assist from Drake

May 15, 2015
The musician and auctioneer are collaborating on a new show.

Re-thinking the boring bond

May 12, 2015
Dissecting the bond market's "conga line of ramifications."

The end is nigh for Idol

May 12, 2015
After a 13-year run, Fox announces the next season will be American Idol's last.

NAFTA legacy casts a shadow on new trade agreements

May 7, 2015
As the Trans-Pacific Partnership looms, a look back at what NAFTA changed in America.
Then-U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in December 1993.