Tracey Samuelson


Tracey Samuelson is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

What was your first job?

Working in a bread store at the peak of the anti-carb movement.

What do you think is the hardest part of your job that no one knows?

Cramming all the interesting information I find reporting into a few minutes.

In your next life, what would your career be?

ER doctor.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Lots of stuff from Amazon.

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

That time I went to Hawaii ... on assignment.

Latest Stories (475)

Facebook takes aim at some freebies

Dec 1, 2014
They're changing the rules about all those promotional posts in your feed.

The annual Turkey pardon, demystified

Nov 27, 2014
Every year at this time, the president of the United States, leader of the free world, participates in a truly bizarre political ritual.

How restaurants calculate calorie counts

Nov 25, 2014
New FDA rules will require more businesses to post calorie counts. Most of them will turn to a database to help them (roughly) figure it out.

Avoiding the 'regulatory capture' trap

Nov 21, 2014
The Senate grills the president of the New York Fed about perceived coziness with the banks and people it oversees.

Cutting interest rates on student debt

Nov 21, 2014
Wells Fargo has launched a loan modification program for student loan customers.

Why Uber execs may get away with their bad behavior

Nov 18, 2014
Consumers don't seem overly concerned about questionable conduct by Uber execs.

Trying to outrun aging

Nov 18, 2014
Researchers are optimistic about recent efforts to delay the effects of aging and, perhaps, extend life spans.

Hong Kong and Shangai exchanges link up in big reform

Nov 17, 2014
It’s a big deal for investors, for whom it's now a lot easier to invest in China.

Nike dominates basketball shoes. Adidas wants in.

Nov 14, 2014
Thanks to the Air Jordan, Nike has over 90 percent of the basketball shoe market.

U.S. deals make it a big week in global trade

Nov 13, 2014
The U.S. cleared hurdles to send two major trade agreements forward.