From This Collection

Big 3: How the U.S. auto industry turned things around

Dec 30, 2010
Things are looking pretty good for the auto industry right now, especially compared to 2009, which was a disaster. Reporter Alisa Roth talks with Bob Moon about what the industry did to turn things around, how the Big 3 are doing, and whether the bailouts worked.

Chris Farrell: Looking forward to 2011

Dec 30, 2010
Jeremy Hobson speaks to economics correspondent Chris Farrell about a wrap up of 2010, and looking forward to 2011.

What went wrong with the euro in 2010?

Dec 29, 2010
Bob Moon talks to Marketplace's European correspondent Stephen Beard about the euro's precipitous slide down in 2010 and what the biggest threat to the 11-year-old currency might be.

Richard DeKaser's most important economic story of 2010

Dec 29, 2010
Jeremy Hobson speaks to Richard DeKaser about important economic stories of 2010.

Jobs: Labor market improving, but it's not enough

Dec 28, 2010
We started out the year worrying about high unemployment and at the end of 2010 it still remains a huge issue. Reporter Mitchell Hartman talks with Bob Moon about whether we are making progress in the labor market, what would get employers to hire more, and what will happen now that the economy is expected to grow faster.

Privacy: Who's tracking your online data?

Dec 27, 2010
This year, we heard a lot about how much companies know about us through data mining. Social-networking sites like Facebook have changed the data mining game entirely. Reporter Stacey Vanek-Smith talks with Bob Moon about why 2010 may be the year privacy died and why you may need to manage your online brand.

Jill Schlesinger: Looking forward to 2011

Dec 24, 2010
It has been a strange year for the economy. The markets are back at pre-recession highs. Companies have reported strong earnings. But unemployment remains high and the housing market is still sputtering. What will the next year hold?

For public good, not for profit.

Stock prices end the year at the highest level since 2008

Dec 24, 2010
Stock prices are ending the year at their highest level since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Markets both here and in Europe have enjoyed a powerful pre-Christmas rally.

Health care: End-of-the-year checkup

Dec 23, 2010
Marketplace's health reporter Gregory Warner talks with Kai Ryssdal about the tumultuous year in health care -- whether the recent court case in Virginia is taking health care off track, what's being done to control costs, and what we can expect in 2011.

China: A look back and a look ahead

Dec 22, 2010
Kai Ryssdal talks to China bureau chief Rob Schmitz about China's rapid growth, the problems it is causing, and what the government plans to do about it.