From This Collection

Dutch homes will float with the climate

Jan 29, 2008
Global warming's rising oceans seriously threaten the Netherlands, where 60% of its population lives below sea level. But some Dutch are floating new options for going with the flow. Rico Gagliano explores their climate-proof homes.

Another view of Plan B

Jan 29, 2008
Dennis M. Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, talks with Marketplace's Sam Eaton about Plan B visions of living with climate change.

Seeing opportunity in rising oceans

Jan 28, 2008
Conservative projections say rising seas from climate change would displace hundreds of millions of people and cost hundreds of billions of dollars over the next century. Sam Eaton found a scientist with a plan to capitalize on melting icecaps for the sake of everyone.

Under dry sky, Aussies turn to the sea

Jan 28, 2008
With climate change reducing reliable rainfall in Australia, many cities are tapping the ocean as a water source. And they're trying to do it without making a bad problem worse. Nate Dimeo reports. First in a series.