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How do you know if a poll is right?

Oct 25, 2012
Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport addresses recent criticism of Gallup's polling.

38% of Americans feel better off than a year ago

Oct 25, 2012
Every bit of public data -- housing, employment, consumer spending -- changes how voters feel about the state of the nation -- and about their own well-being.

Gallup poll: Romney leads on economy

Oct 25, 2012
Gallup's national daily tracking poll gained some attention this past week. Some critics say the poll, which shows a solid lead for Governor Mitt Romney, is out-of-step with other national polls that indicate the race is much closer.

Debates more significant than usual

Oct 17, 2012
Last night's second presidential debate between President Obama and Governor Romney was fiery and full of pocketbook issues. Will the debate impact the short term polls and the final election outcome?

Yes, some voters are still undecided

Oct 16, 2012
As Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama prepare to meet again for tonight's second presidential debate, they'll face not only the moderator and each other, but undecided voters.

V.P. debates draw us in, but don't influence voters

Oct 11, 2012
Despite increased interest in vice presidential debates -- from Sarah Palin and Joe Biden to tonight's Biden-Ryan showdown -- polls show these debates don't really change the vote in November.

Debate: Drawing a town hall audience

Oct 11, 2012
The next presidential debate is on Tuesday, October 16th, and this one is a town hall with 84 people in the audience. The participants will get to quiz the candidates -- but how are they selected?

For public good, not for profit.

Voters pessimistic about Medicare's future

Oct 11, 2012
Vice President Joe Biden will face Congressman Paul Ryan on the debate stage tonight, and Paul Ryan's Medicare plan is sure to be a hot topic. Polling shows most Americans are against Ryan's voucher proposal, but do recognize the need for system reforms.

Poll: How much do you like or trust public opinion polling?

Oct 4, 2012
After the first presidential debate on Wednesday, the political polling season is about to kick into high gear. Why polls matter, and why we like them so much.

Romney tacks to the center, Obama silent on 47 percent

Oct 4, 2012
Last night's debate brought a number of what seem like novel developments: Pivots on critical issues by Romney; the president leaving out seemingly obvious talking points. But how surprising are they, really?