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6 months out from SVB's failure, a bank president's optimism has waned

Sep 6, 2023
Pressure to keep more capital puts constraints on banks, says Laurie Stewart of Sound Community in Seattle.
Laurie Stewart, the head of Sound Community Bank in Seattle, says pressures to hold more capital will "impact our ability to serve clients and to be investable."
Courtesy Sound Community Bank

Regional banks' problems enter the "slow burn" phase

Aug 8, 2023
Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of several regional banks this week, citing rising costs and the troubled commercial real estate sector.
Moody's credit downgrades suggest that many of the problems that emerged with this year's bank failures haven’t gone away.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

No more business as usual for the Fed

Jun 29, 2023
Technology that can cause banks to fail overnight could force the Federal Reserve to upgrade its infrastructure, while continuing basic regulation to prevent failures from occurring in the first place.
Silicon Valley Bank's problems wouldn’t have been solved by an instant Fed bailout, said Wharton professor Itamar Drechsler.
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Regional banks still face challenges after bank runs

Jun 16, 2023
They've been operating under more scrutiny from the federal government and trying to manage the Federal Reserve's higher interest rates.
Silicon Valley Bank was one of the regional banks that failed earlier this year.
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Banking crisis may be fueling the rise of so-called "shadow banks"

May 15, 2023
Hedge funds and private equity loans might lend like banks, but they're not regulated like them.
Shadow banks are financial institutions that provide loans but don't take deposits.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Who's on the hook for money the FDIC paid uninsured depositors?

May 12, 2023
The agency wants the country's largest banks to split the cost of refilling its coffers. But smaller banks aren't sure they're in the clear.
After stepping in to rescue depositors after recent bank failures, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. wants to replenish its insurance fund. Above, the agency's logo at a First Republic Bank branch.
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

One way to make banks safer? Make them "narrower."

May 12, 2023
Limiting riskier, illiquid investment could make banks and the financial system more stable — but the Federal Reserve isn’t so sure.
A narrow bank could just lock your money away in a vault behind the tellers or park it in a liquid investment. But those options aren't very profitable.
Evening Standard/Getty Images