From This Collection

When confronting your family history means making slavery reparations

Jul 4, 2024
After Lotte Lieb Dula discovered her family connection to slavery, she crafted an online guide to reparations and racial healing.
Above, signs at a 2002 rally in support of reparations for slavery. Decades later, some progress has been made in implementing reparations in states and localities.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

If reparations aren't politically viable, what's the next best thing?

Jan 5, 2024
Scholars say local action directed at improving access to housing, health care and education are more likely to pass than cash payments.
Many Black families were excluded from suburbs that were rapidly growing in the '50s and '60s.
Illustration: Dylan Miettinen/Marketplace | Photo: Courtesy USC Libraries. “Dick” Whittington Photography Collection

California debates who should be eligible for reparations for slavery

Jan 4, 2024
Recommendations start "with those folks who are clearly descendants of 250 years of wage theft in this country," says Sen. Steven Bradford.
Illustration: Dylan Miettinen/Marketplace | Photos: filo and JasonDoiy/Getty Images

2024 will be a big year for the reparations debate in California

Jan 3, 2024
After a state task force issued a nearly 1,100-page report in 2023, lawmakers are starting to look at reparations policy options.
California State Sen. Steven Bradford is one of nine task force members who issued a report on reparations last year.
Illustration: Dylan Miettinen/Marketplace | Photo: Courtesy California State Senate