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Foreign workers flee fighting in Libya

Mar 1, 2011
Tens of thousands of foreign workers are fleeing Libya as President Muammar Gaddafi's regime goes to war with those seeking his ouster.

The current state of Libya, from oil to the people

Feb 28, 2011
David Kirkpatrick from the New York Times talks from Tripoli, Libya, about the current state of the country.

What the West may be able to do for the Middle East

Feb 25, 2011
Writer and commentator Reza Aslan talks about what comes next for the Middle East, and how the West may be able to help.

Egyptians rally to give relief for Libyans

Feb 25, 2011
As violence mounts in Libya, people in neighboring Egypt have raised thousands of dollars to get food and provisions to those refugees.

Middle Eastern brain drain hits home

Feb 24, 2011
Skilled professionals from poor Middle Eastern countries find the future is brighter abroad. But this brain drain is hurting poor countries like Jordan.

Will protests spread to Saudi Arabia?

Feb 23, 2011
As protests ripple across the Middle East, all eyes are on Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil producer. Energy expert Amy Jaffe from Rice University talks about the potential for unrest in the country and the challenges it faces.

Governments find ways to get their citizens out of Libya

Feb 23, 2011
As violence continues in Libya, international workers are fighting to evacuate the country. Jeremy Hobson speaks to Peter Thomas, a British teacher, who managed to flee Tripoli to Ankara, Turkey.

For public good, not for profit.

China moves to squelch potential protests

Feb 23, 2011
As political unrest continues to grow in North Africa, the Chinese government has started to censor information online and detain activists in hopes of avoiding potential protests in China. Rob Schmitz reports that while experts think unrest will not spread to China, an upheaval would be catastrophic for the global economy.

Unrest prompts U.S. review of arms sales

Feb 23, 2011
As the chaos escalates in Libya, the Wall Street Journal reports a U.S. review of arms sales and military assistance to countries in North Africa and the Middle East caught up in political and economic turmoil. Janet Babin explains.

An in-depth look at Libya's oil economy

Feb 22, 2011
Steve LeVine, contributing editor at Foreign Policy and author of "The Oil and the Glory," discusses Libya's oil economy and foreign business dealings.