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Silicon Valley congressman on distributing tech jobs across the country

Aug 12, 2020
Rep. Ro Khanna says we need to expand access to the innovation economy.
U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna, Democrat of California.
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Decarbonization can fix the jobs crisis and the climate crisis, scientist says

Aug 11, 2020
Saul Griffith is the co-author of a new report that outlines a plan to reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels while creating millions of jobs.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Kat Cole's vision for a kinder capitalism

The president and COO of Focus Brands says "caring for connected stakeholders — employees, customers, vendors" is where our economic system is going.
Kat Cole, president and COO of Focus Brands, supports stakeholders, not just shareholders.
Paul Morigi/Getty Images

How the president of the Ford Foundation would reimagine the economy

Jul 2, 2020
“We begin first by asking the question: Why is there so much inequality in our society?” Darren Walker says.
"Inequality makes people believe that the systems that are supposed to serve them are rigged — are designed by we privileged Americans to benefit us, at their expense," Darren Walker said.
Courtesy of the Ford Foundation

The future of education is digital, online learning platform CEO says

Online enrollments at Coursera are up 500% from the same time a year ago, says CEO Jeff Maggioncalda.
Coursera CEO Jeff Maggioncalda says a class on the science of well-being is the most popular on the platform right now. "Very job-relevant, practical courses seem to be the ones that most people are turning to."
iStock/Getty Images

What if COVID-19 checks were a regular occurrence?

"You just get a much bigger fiscal bang for the buck," says Mark Blyth, the economics professor and author of "Angrynomics."
"We're managing to do it right now in the COVID pandemic. We send people checks," Blyth says. "Imagine if those checks were endowment checks."
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The effects of unemployment spread like a virus

A possible cure for the economic crisis caused by the pandemic? The job guarantee. Pavlina Tcherneva of Bard College explains the job-creation idea.
The job guarantee concept is simple: For everyone who wants a job, a job will be provided by the government.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

COVID-19 could devastate nation's youth when it comes to school, work, new report finds

Jun 10, 2020
"Disconnected youth" are neither attending school nor working. COVID-19 could push the youth disconnection rate to 1 in 5 young people.
"All of us pay a high price for youth disconnection," says Measure of America's Kristen Lewis, "because it leads to lower tax revenues, reduced competitiveness as a nation, higher health and criminal justice costs and much more."
Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

Why eliminating racial inequities is key for the post-COVID-19 economy

"Going back to normal would be disastrous for Black Americans," says Andre M. Perry of the Brookings Institution.
"There's built-in inequality in the systems that we use to distribute resources to build wealth," Andre M. Perry says.
Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images

Ray Dalio says we need to reform capitalism to make it work for everyone

May 29, 2020
"Isn't our objective to work together peacefully and achieve greatness together in a broad way?" Dalio asks.
Dalio says the combination of debt, a large wealth gap and an economic downturn create instability that history has shown leads to extreme conflict.
Kimberly White/Getty Images for TechCrunch