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Bond yields owe a debt to presidential politics

Jul 3, 2024
Yields on the 10-year Treasury note rose after the recent debate on the idea that a Trump election win could boost inflation.
A Republican administration's policies might add to inflation and government debt, said David Kelly of J.P. Morgan Asset Management. But Democrats spend a lot too.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Social Security cuts are inevitable by 2035 unless lawmakers act

Jun 27, 2024
Social Security has been known as “the third rail of American politics” since the early 1980s, with the idea that touching the program can prove deadly to a politician’s career.
Because Social Security can’t take on any debt or tap into general revenues to fund benefits, Congress needs to do something before the money runs out.
J. David Ake/Getty Images

Campaign donors hope money makes the difference in hotly contested states

Federal campaigns get much of the spotlight, but state and local races can be as consequential for residents' lives. Funders know that.
Millions of dollars are being spent to sway voters on state-level ballot initiatives.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Trump campaign will now accept crypto contributions

May 27, 2024
The Federal Election Commission says crypto donations are subject to the same rules and contribution limits as conventional contributions are — but some states ban them, as the currencies are harder to trace and regulate.
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

How political ads try to shape the way we feel about the economy

Apr 3, 2024
Campaigns and advocacy groups may spend up to $17 billion on ads in 2024. Many pitches will focus on the local and the personal.
According to Tess McRae of the Parkside Group, successful messaging for incumbents will highlight smaller ways people’s lives have improved — like lower gas prices.
Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Perceptions that the economy's bad can cost you an election, even if the economy isn't actually bad

Mar 28, 2024
In 1992, voters’ perception that an improving economy was actually a bad economy contributed to Bush’s loss to Clinton. Could the same thing happen to Biden?
President George H. W.  Bush greets supporters ahead of a debate against soon-to-be President Bill Clinton in 1992. Bush blamed the media for pushing the narrative of a "bad" economy, despite positive economic indicators.
LUKE FRAZZA/AFP via Getty Images

What does a “good” economy look like — and are we in one?

Mar 27, 2024
Voters’ views on the economy don’t always match their own situation or national trends. The gap can color their views of candidates.
Yuki Iwamura/AFP via Getty Images