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New fears of Spanish bailout rise

Jul 23, 2012
Overseas markets are sliding this morning on new worries about Spain. After last week's bank bailouts, that seemed like an end to the country's crisis, Spain's borrowing costs are up again to 7.5 percent.

What's up, Europe? Umbrellas for Bastille Day

Jul 13, 2012
Tomorrow is Bastille Day in France, the French will be celebrating despite the rainy weather and eurozone turmoil. This week French carmaker, Peugot, announced major layoffs, signaling the tough economic climate facing the country.

Italian debt rating downgraded two levels

Jul 13, 2012
In Europe today, the focus has shifted from Spain to Italy, in the ongoing EU debt crisis. Moody's credit rating agency has downgraded Italian debt to just two levels above junk status.

Weak euro lures American travelers

Jul 12, 2012
The euro crisis has weakened the currency -- and strengthened Europe's appeal to American tourists.

What's up, Europe? Protesters in Madrid

Jul 11, 2012
In Spain today, the government announced new austerity measures to meet the terms of the bank bailout early this month: $80 billion worth of tax increases and pay and benefit cuts.

Germans consider life without the euro

Jul 3, 2012
As economic instability in the eurozone continues, some Germans are starting to weigh the benefits and burdens of staying with the euro. Would life be dandier with the Deutschmark?

Euro leaders compromise on plans for bailout money

Jun 29, 2012
It appears European leaders have come up with an agreement to ease the debt crisis -- somewhat. And the deal rests on Germany compromising on how bailout money is used.

For public good, not for profit.

Euro summit ends with two key agreements

Jun 29, 2012
A summit of European leaders has yielded agreement on two key points. First, the EU as a whole will lend directly to banks wherever they get into trouble. Second, there's going to be a new agency to supervise banks across the continent.

European leaders meet in Brussels, weigh options

Jun 28, 2012
EU leaders meet in Brussels today and tomorrow to seek solutions to the continent’s debt crisis, but some observers expect them to achieve little.

Cyprus requests eurozone bailout

Jun 26, 2012
The tiny Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus is formally asking for a bailout from Europe. The country says it needs more than $10 billion from its eurozone partners to avoid default.