From This Collection

Spain's bailout: Good idea or moral hazard?

Jun 11, 2012
Now that Spain has received a favorable bailout deal, will other countries in Europe expect the same?

Bailout in Spain buys time and clips contagion

Jun 11, 2012
Just in time for the Greek elections next weekend, the EU bailout of Spanish banks aims to send the signal that the eurozone will stand behind its biggest countries.

What's up, Europe? Germans care... about soccer

Jun 8, 2012
What's the mood like in Germany right now? It's a case of soccer fever as the European Championships kick off. But are Germans in denial about the eurozone crisis?

Will Greece return to the drachma?

Jun 8, 2012
Greece continues to struggle through a debt and banking crisis and rumors of a 'Grexit' abound. If the country does leave the euro, how will it roll out the drachma, and what are the costs?

Germany feels pressure of euro crisis

Jun 6, 2012
The credit rating agency Moody's downgraded seven German banks today, noting their exposure to Europe's debt problems and slower economic growth.

Euro crisis tests role of ECB

Jun 6, 2012
There was no cut in interest rates from the European Central Bank today, but some would like the ECB to take action soon.

What's up, Europe? Italy looks forward

Jun 6, 2012
Italians are holding out hope that a meeting of European leaders on June 28 will prove to be a turning point in the euro crisis.

For public good, not for profit.

What's Up, Europe? Shock and numbness in Greece

Jun 5, 2012
The spotlight of the eurozone crisis moves to Spain, but no one has forgotten Greece. While the official unemployment rate there is above 21 percent, many more are working without pay.

Portugal's banks get $8 billion bailout

Jun 4, 2012
Today three big banks in Portugal were forced to draw on $8.25 billion worth of European Union bailout money to weather the current financial storm. Portugal has been slogging through very tight budgets in order to be eligible for money like this.

What's Up, Europe? Gloom over austerity... and soccer in Portugal

Jun 4, 2012
Portugal was approved for its latest installment of bailout cash. What's life like for the Portuguese living under the gloom of austerity, and likely losses at the European Championship.