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Cyprus guards itself against a bank run

Mar 27, 2013
Julia Coronado, chief economist with the investment bank BNP Paribas, joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to explain how Cyprus is guarding itself against a bank run.

For Cyprus, painful cuts follow 'heart attack' to the economy

Mar 25, 2013
Odds were pretty high some kind of deal on Cyprus was going to get worked out this weekend. But, economic life in Cyprus will likely get worse before it gets better.

Cyprus bailout to calm U.S. markets

Mar 25, 2013
Richard DeKaser, economist with Wells Fargo, discusses the impact of Cyprus' bailout on the U.S. economy.

Russia speaks out against Cyprus bailout

Mar 25, 2013
Eurozone finance ministers reached a last minute deal to grant Cyprus a $13 billion bailout early this morning. Those with large deposits in Cypriot banks could be hit will a tax of 30 percent in order to help fund the bailout.

Cyprus avoids bankruptcy with $13 billion bailout deal

Mar 25, 2013
After more than a week of turmoil, eurozone finance ministers reached a last minute deal to grant Cyprus a $13 billion bailout.

Desperate but creative measures proposed for Cyprus

Mar 21, 2013
As Cyprus stares down an ultimatum from the European Central Bank, its government, friends and observers have come up with a range of solutions

Global markets watch and wait for Cyprus

Mar 21, 2013
Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, discusses how the situation in Cyprus could affect the global economy.

For public good, not for profit.

European Central Bank pressures Cyprus for new bailout deal

Mar 21, 2013
The European Central Bank has given the Cyprus just a few days to come up with a new bailout deal after the Cypriot parliament rejected a controversial tax on bank deposits as part of its original bailout plan.

Krugman warns U.S.: Don't end up like U.K.

Mar 20, 2013
Britain's budget, released today, contains more deep spending cuts. Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman argues that austerity policies in the UK and Europe are killing growth.

No tax, no bailout? A worst case scenario for Cyprus

Mar 20, 2013
Cyprus is in turmoil following the decision last night by its parliament to reject a bailout plan from the eurozone. The plan entailed a one-off tax of up to 10 percent on Cypriot bank accounts.