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ECB keeps Greek debt secrets under wraps

Nov 30, 2012
The European Central Bank has won a legal battle against Bloomberg News to keep some of the ECB’s internal documents about Greece's debt private.

Irish priest reflects on economy two years after bailout

Nov 30, 2012
It was exactly two years ago that Ireland faced a similar problem and got an international bailout. How is the country faring now?

Could Britain leave the European Union?

Nov 22, 2012
Britain contributes far more to the budget of the European Union than it receives in subsidies for agriculture and infrastructure. Its prime minister wants to freeze the budget where it is.

European Union searching for agreement on budget

Nov 22, 2012
European Union leaders are gathering in Brussels to hammer out a budget for the EU. And the task will not be easy with the continent still trying desperately to claw its way out of debt.

French credit rating slips, but national attitude is defiant

Nov 20, 2012
French bonds fell today in the wake of Moody's downgrading the nation's credit rating. So is the second largest economy in Europe shrugging its collective shoulders? Non!

In face of debt crisis, EU asks for budget increase

Nov 19, 2012
While most EU governments have been forced to freeze or cut their spending drastically, the European Commission is asking for a six percent budget increase.

Spain's banks to suspend foreclosures for the needy

Nov 16, 2012
The Spanish government is suspending foreclosures for the neediest homeowners just a week after a woman there committed suicide when officials arrived at her apartment to seize it.

For public good, not for profit.

German economy begins to feel recession pressure

Nov 15, 2012
Europe has officially slipped back into recession. Growth in Germany -- widely considered to have a relatively healthy economy -- has slowed as well.

Strikes signal greater unity problems in eurozone

Nov 14, 2012
Europeans in Spain, Portugal and Greece protest austerity measures with a general strike today, but the real problem could be a greater lack of unity across the eurozone.

Across Europe, workers synchronize strikes against austerity

Nov 14, 2012
Millions of workers went on strike across Europe today in protest against public spending cuts. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled, car factories and ports have been shut, and rail services disrupted.