From This Collection

Soil is ground zero in African farming debate

Jun 4, 2012
Ghana's farmers face tough choices in search for fertility boost.

Facing water shortages, Indian farmers dig in

May 7, 2012
Fast-growing India is pumping itself dry. For the "water man," the solutions will come from the grassroots.

Brazil delivers on hunger promise

Apr 4, 2012
The government made food a human right. Then it found that ending hunger takes a lot more than a declaration.

The future of food in a warming world

Feb 27, 2012
Bangladesh, once a poster child for the food crisis, has made dramatic progress. But will our changing climate sweep away the gains?

Philippines: Too many mouths?

Jan 23, 2012
Rapid population growth tests the Philippines’ ability to feed itself. And spurs a rethink on one of the globe's most controversial issues.

Food fuels Egypt's revolution

Dec 12, 2011
Egyptians hope new democracy will begat a new era, as Egypt struggles to feed its 85 million people.

The complexities of famine

Nov 15, 2011
In East Africa, it takes more than a drought to cause devastating famine.

For public good, not for profit.

The scientific challenge

Nov 14, 2011
It's not one breakthrough that will feed the expected nine billion people in 2045, but rather making good on what science has already delivered.