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From This Collection

Inflation or deflation?

May 6, 2009
So, what do you think it will be, inflation or deflation? Will we be Zimbabwe or will we be Japan? (I vote neither.)...

Corporate taxes for energy taxes

May 6, 2009
The Administration says it plans on cracking down on offshore tax shelters and avoidance. The target of the initiative is U.S.-based multinational...

The Subprime 25

May 6, 2009
A recent investigation by the Center for Public Integrity into the subprime mortgage debacle makes a convincing case that it wasn't perpetrated by...

Depressions and pandemics

May 5, 2009
Robert Barro, professor of economics at Harvard University and Jose Ursua, a Ph.D. student in economics at Harvard, have written a fascinating...

A turnaround?

May 4, 2009
A theme of this blog has been that the Administration's efforts are working to avert a greater economic catastrophe than what we've been though. In...

Hedge fund absurdity

May 1, 2009
I was going to write an article about how ridiculous it was for the hedge funds that played hardball with Chrysler's debt--and lost--to complain...

For public good, not for profit.

Economics and the Great Contraction

May 1, 2009
Barry Eichengreen, economist at the University of California, Berkeley, is always worth reading. He has written a number of brilliant articles on...

The 1918 influenza epidemic

Apr 30, 2009
I find these numbers stunning. They're from a paper by Elizabeth Brainerd of Williams College and Mark Singer of California State University....

The economy and you

Apr 30, 2009
Last night at Minnesota Public Radio Jeff Horwich moderated a discussion the impact of the recession on individual lives. I participated in the...