From This Collection

Implicit bias training for police officers is big business

Jun 2, 2020
But does the training change behaviors? Some researchers say it's hard to measure effectiveness.
While research has shown improvements with some techniques, there aren’t really any standards for bias training.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

Economically, riots endure

Jun 1, 2020
While every moment of social upheaval is unique, history suggests long recovery periods for economies wracked by violent uprisings.
A worker cleans up a damaged bank Monday in Washington, D.C.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

What can the government do to revitalize distressed neighborhoods?

Jun 1, 2020
Politicians like to use tax incentives, but are they effective?
A boarded storefront with a graffiti plea to end shootings in west Baltimore in 2017.  Baltimore benefited from funding through the Clinton administration's Empowerment Zones, but much of the city remains plagued with poverty.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Activists propose reforming policing by cutting budgets

Jun 1, 2020
In a lot of cities, policing eats up a big chunk of the general fund.
Police block a road in Minneapolis as protests against police brutality continue.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Businesses speak out on injustice, close stores amid protests over George Floyd killing

Jun 1, 2020
Target, Amazon and Apple are among the larger companies who have acknowledged the injustice driving protests.
Small businesses owners, some of whom were looking forward to reopening today in Minnesota, were instead left pleading with protesters to spare their businesses.
Kerem Yucel/AFP via Getty Images

Private insurance companies can play a powerful role in reforming police practices

Police insurers wants to make sure that the departments they cover minimize risk for liability.
Insurance companies actually work with police departments to manage risk. There's a chance that makes things worse, too.
Mark Makela/Getty Images

The Minnesota Freedom Fund raises donations to bail out protesters

Jun 1, 2020
The organization has been fighting against the concept of cash bail.
A memorial is left for George Floyd, a Black Minneapolis man who died on Monday after a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on his neck.
Kerem YucelL/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Understanding "the hidden costs of police misconduct" for cities nationwide

"You have cities out there borrowing money to pay off judgments because of brutal and corrupt police officers," said Marc Morial of the National Urban League.
Marc Morial with the National Urban League says police reform "also means how you deploy your resources, where you put your focus."
Apu Gomes/AFP via Getty Images

FBI says new data on police use of force is coming this summer

Jun 1, 2020
The FBI also says that just over 40% of law enforcement officers are contributing to the National Use-of-Force Data Collection.
The participation of law enforcement agencies in this program, to track when officers use lethal force or seriously injure someone, is voluntary.
Ricardo Arduengo/AFP via Getty Images

How Latino Immigrants "saved the American city"

Dec 26, 2019
In his new book, A.K. Sandoval-Strausz argues that Latino Immigrants played a major role in urban revitalization.
Sidewalk street vendor Maria Rodriguez prepares a melon for a customer March 21, 2001 in Chicago's mainly Hispanic Little Village neighborhood. In his book, "Barrio America," A.K. Sandoval-Strausz makes the case that Latino Immigrants to neighborhoods like Little Village helped save America's cities.
Tim Boyle/Newsmakers