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Steve Jobs dies at 56

Oct 5, 2011
Apple's co-founder and a key visionary behind the personal computer revolution has passed away, Apple announced today

The early days of Steve Jobs and Apple

Aug 25, 2011
Sure, we all know the success of the iPad and iPhone. But what was Steve Jobs like back in the early days of Apple? We talk to Guy Kawasaki, who was there in the beginning.

CEO Jobs changed tech business landscape

Aug 25, 2011
Sure, Apple is one of the highest values companies in the world. But according to many, his more important legacy is how he changed our daily lives.

As CEO, Jobs was able to read people

Aug 25, 2011
Questions abound about how Apple's culture will change now that Steve Jobs has stepped down. But what was it like to work with him? A former Apple employee describes what it was like to work with the iconic CEO.

Steve Jobs successor 'makes trains run on time'

Aug 25, 2011
Steve Jobs resigned as Apple's CEO and named his former COO Tim Cook as his replacement. Will Cook be able to fill such big shoes?

Steve Jobs: Leader of the Apple cult

Aug 25, 2011
Jobs' resignation could mean few major changes at Apple if they continue to innovate. But what is a revolutionary company without it's founder?

Jobs resigns, but Apple won't change much...yet

Aug 25, 2011
Steve Jobs, a long-time tech visionary, will resign as head of Apple. Will his replacement, Tim Cook, be able to keep the train on the tracks?

For public good, not for profit.

The Jobs effect

Aug 25, 2011
Steve Jobs' management style has spread beyond Apple.

Has Apple just lost its CEO or its soul?

Aug 25, 2011
Apple CEO Steve Jobs has announced his retirement. While the day to day operations of Apple will continue with little disruption, the larger meaning of the company may never be the same.

Steve Jobs announces resignation from Apple

Aug 24, 2011
Steve Jobs has announced his resignation as CEO of Apple. What's behind the move, and what will be his legacy?