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What does tipping look like in the United Kingdom?

Sep 21, 2023
Free health care and a higher minimum wage in the U.K. means that there's less reliance on tips to make up workers' income.
In the U.K., the standard tip is roughly 10% at restaurants, though people won’t leave any extra if they think the service hasn’t been good enough.
Peter Summers/Getty Images

A debate over tipping comes to South Korea

When a South Korean ride-hailing company started asking passengers for voluntary tips last month, it sparked backlash from some customers.
Diners eat at a noodle bar in Seoul, South Korea in April 2018.
Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images

When — and how much — should I be tipping these days?

Expectations around tipping have changed in the last several years. Here's what to know.
Maybe the standard 15% or 20% tip on table service hasn't really changed, but what about takeout, delivery and the rest of it?
Alex Potemkin via Getty Images

The tipped minimum wage has origins in slavery

And that legacy means a worker can be paid as little as $2.13 an hour at the federal level.
Nikola Stojadinovic via Getty Images