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Will latest rate cut help the economy?

Oct 29, 2008
The Federal Reserve cut the interest rate to 1% in an effort to encourage lending and stimulate the economy. Will it work? What about inflation? Washington Bureau Chief John Dimsdale reports.

IMF list of needy countries growing

Oct 29, 2008
Hungary is now receiving $25 billion from the IMF to help it cope with its dropped currency and deep debt. But with more countries on the horizon in need, will the IMF have enough? Megan Williams reports.

We're running up an 'eco debt,' too

Oct 29, 2008
While credit woes are causing a global crisis in the markets, a different kind of worldwide debt is being racked up as well. The BBC reports a...

A line between bailout and bonuses

Oct 29, 2008
Congressman Henry Waxman wants to make sure the bailout package isn't used to pay for CEO bonuses. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports some pay packages outlined for top execs might only be pulled off with that money.

Government can help provide a fix

Oct 29, 2008
With long time horizons and power to borrow large amounts of money, the government may be an answer to our question, "What's the fix?" Bill Radke finds out why from British economist Roger Bootle for our occasional series.

Infrastructure a new stimulus plan

Oct 29, 2008
Instead of individual tax rebates, Congress will probably focus new stimulus efforts on infrastructure improvements. John Dimsdale reports transportation and green projects could get high priority.

Philly unprepared for baseball fans

Oct 29, 2008
The Phillies are back in the World Series for the first time in 15 years, and the team's home city finds itself a little unprepared. Peter Crimmins reports why Philly's hotels are booked and the bars are out of beer.

For public good, not for profit.

Online job sites working longer hours

Oct 29, 2008
Traffic is up for a new wave of online job Web sites, particularly those set to help retired workers re-enter the job market. Renita Jablonski talks to retirees who are sifting through the listings.

Put focus back on the unemployed

Oct 29, 2008
The Federal Reserve is talking like another stimulus package may be on the way. But with the official rate of unemployment at around 6 percent, commentator Robert Reich explains why our focus should be elsewhere.

Bizarre HSBC bank ad

Oct 28, 2008
Our Greenwash Brigade bloggers came across a rather curious video advertisement by HSBC bank that's running on TV and the Web. What's it trying to...