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Grim Christmas for Chinese toymakers

Oct 29, 2008
A drop in exports is hurting Chinese toy manufacturers, who rely on U.S. demand. Next week, China will help out by subsidizing exporters. Scott Tong looks into the health of the toy industry in China.

What a temptress cheaper gas is

Oct 29, 2008
When gas prices increased, so did noble things like public transportation ridership and sales of fuel-efficient cars. Now that gas prices are sliding, have bad habits returned? Senior Business Correspondent Bob Moon reports.

For GM, the bad news keeps on coming

Oct 29, 2008
Merger talks with Chrysler are "progressing," but GM's troubles are not at bay. The automaker announced another global sales drop and reportedly plans to cut back on new car development. Renita Jablonski asks if that's wise.
General Motors logo

Private equity in a credit freeze

Oct 29, 2008
Huge corporations like The Carlyle Group and Blackstone got into the private equity business when credit was easy and cheap. But now that the credit market is drying up, will the private equity game go with it? Stacey Vanek-Smith finds out.
Glasses on index sheet

Fed's new role must not be permanent

Oct 29, 2008
An important point to keep in mind, says commentator David Frum, is that the government's new role in banking, insurance and other industries is for emergency purposes. Ultimately, that role needs to go away.

States are in dire financial straits

Oct 29, 2008
The line for federal bailout money keeps growing. Now it's state and city governments that need a hand. State budget deficits are huge coast-to-coast. Steve Henn has the story.

1% might not be the final cut

Oct 29, 2008
Now that the Fed's cut the interest rate to 1%, can it cut it any further? Will it? How low can the interest rate go? Kai Ryssdal turns to Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff for his perspective.

For public good, not for profit.

Will latest rate cut help the economy?

Oct 29, 2008
The Federal Reserve cut the interest rate to 1% in an effort to encourage lending and stimulate the economy. Will it work? What about inflation? Washington Bureau Chief John Dimsdale reports.

IMF list of needy countries growing

Oct 29, 2008
Hungary is now receiving $25 billion from the IMF to help it cope with its dropped currency and deep debt. But with more countries on the horizon in need, will the IMF have enough? Megan Williams reports.

We're running up an 'eco debt,' too

Oct 29, 2008
While credit woes are causing a global crisis in the markets, a different kind of worldwide debt is being racked up as well. The BBC reports a...