"How We Survive": Kai Ryssdal visits the frontlines where national security meets climate change. Listen Now

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Swift security changes come at a price

Aug 10, 2006
US authorities and airports reacted quickly to news of the possible security threat and overhauled procedures overnight. But the costs of managing all that extra security add up — so who's going to pay for it? Amy Scott reports.

Kill the property tax

Aug 10, 2006
Commentator and historian John Steele Gordon argues that property taxes are obsolete and should be abolished.

Under the care of pharma-nurses

Aug 10, 2006
Some drug companies are starting to provide nurses to help patients stick to treatments prescribed by their doctors. Is it just a new tactic to sell expensive high-profile drugs? Cathy Duchamp checks up on the situation.

Impact on British tourism to be seen

Aug 10, 2006
The impact of the foiled terror plot may also be felt on Britain's tourism industry. Host Kai Ryssdal speaks to Marketplace's Stephen Beard in London.

But do you have an 'Elle' phone?

Aug 10, 2006
Women's fashion magazine Elle looks to expand the reach of its brand by launching its own cell phone — that doubles as a mirror. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the story.

Red terror alert paralyzes UK airports

Aug 10, 2006
For the first time ever, we are on the highest alert from Homeland Security this morning. It applies to commercial flights from Britain to the US, but it's affecting air traffic everywhere. Stephen Beard reports from London.

Protests escalate in Mexico

Aug 10, 2006
Host Mark Austin Thomas talks to Mexico City journalist Franc Contreras about the growing economic consequences of protests calling for a full recount of Mexico's presidential election.

For public good, not for profit.

Easing up on Sarb-Ox

Aug 10, 2006
In an effort to stem continued criticism, the SEC is considering relaxing tough, post-Enron accounting rules for many small and foreign-owned businesses. Hillary Wicai reports.

A huge setback for the airline industry?

Aug 10, 2006
Airline stocks tanked this morning in Europe following news of the terrorist threat out of London. Shares of American Airlines dropped almost 13 percent. Host Scott Jagow talks to Mark Pilling, editor of Airline Business magazine.

New regs for truckers at US, Mexico border

Aug 10, 2006
New rules go into effect today tightening restrictions on Canadian and Mexican truckers coming into the US. Amy Scott reports that many shipping businesses are scrambling to comply.