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Alchemy's renaissance

Aug 1, 2006
In the 17th century, alchemists thought you could turn lead into gold. Today, alchemy is pretty much a dead science, but there are still a few people giving it some respect. Aries Keck has the story.

Time to save Doha is now

Aug 1, 2006
Commentator Zanny Minton-Beddoes argues that the window is closing fast on efforts to revive the Doha Round of world trade talks.

Giving back to the grid

Aug 1, 2006
With scorching temperatures expected again today on the East Coast, Ashley Milne-Tyte takes a look at what some New York businesses are doing to take some of the strain off the power grid.

MTV quietly turns 25

Aug 1, 2006
The channel that popularized the music video turns 25 today, but don't expect any big celebration. Jeff Tyler tells us why

Flight attendants threaten to strike . . . again

Aug 1, 2006
Rank and file Northwest flight attendants yesterday turned down a compromise agreement to slash wages and benefits, setting up a possible crippling strike at the world's fifth largest airline. Annie Baxter reports.

Offshore drilling's a gamble

Aug 1, 2006
The Senate is expected to pass a bill today opening the Gulf of Mexico to more oil and natural drilling. But will it actually take us toward energy independence? Scott Tong reports.

Morning-after pill headed OTC?

Aug 1, 2006
Yesterday the FDA said it might allow over-the-counter sales of the morning-after contraceptive called Plan B. Ashley Milne-Tyte looks at what that could do for the company that makes it.

For public good, not for profit.

Bankruptcy up in Britain

Aug 1, 2006
Last year, Congress toughened the bankruptcy laws in this country. Britain went the other way and softened up its indebtedness law. Now that country's largest bank says it was a bad move. Stephen Beard reports.

Tax shelters may have sprung a leak

Aug 1, 2006
Two billionaires are testifying for a Senate committee today that their use of offshore tax shelter accounts was above board. Their financial advisors told 'em so. But a new report from the Senate panel says, not really. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Bush's new neighbor

Aug 1, 2006
President Bush heads to Crawford, Texas for his annual "working vacation" later this week. And he'll have a new neighbor: war protestor Cindy Sheehan. Scott Tong reports.