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Peruvian elections

May 31, 2006
Peru is one of South America's economic success stories, so why are voters looking for change? Dan Grech reports on the economic stakes of the upcoming Peruvian elections.

11th hour for Alcoa

May 31, 2006
Unionized workers at Alcoa have threatened to strike when their contract expires at midnight tonight, but a walkout may actually help the company's bottom line. Alisa Roth reports.

Safavian trial

May 31, 2006
Two federal ethics officers are expected to testify today at the trial of former Bush administration executive David Safavian, who is charged with lying about his dealings with lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Hillary Wicai reports.

Don't throw away that boarding pass

May 31, 2006
Commentator Rudy Maxa warns there's a very good reason not to discard your airplane boarding pass: You won't believe all the information an identity thief could get from that one little piece of paper.

China ups its tobacco monopoly

May 31, 2006
Today is World No Tobacco Day but while smoking's on the decline in the US, China is still puffing away madly.That doesn't mean foreign tobacco companies are making a fortune there though. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Bayou enters Chapter Eleven

May 31, 2006
Bayou Management made headlines last fall when its founder and CFO came out of hiding and admitted he defrauded investors. Sarah Gardner reports on what the bankruptcy of the hedge fund means to the industry.

Hillary puts war chest to work

May 31, 2006
Hillary Clinton kicks off her next Senate campaign today in New York. But the money she's raising could be positioning her for that other race in 2008. Scott Tong reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Fight against AIDS continues

May 30, 2006
After 25 years the spread of AIDS seems to be slowing. But 40 million people are infected with HIV, and unprecedented resources are being spent to keep fighting it. Helen Palmer reports.

Displaced in Iraq

May 30, 2006
The Iraqi government says nearly 15,000 families — about 100,000 people — have been forced out of their homes by factional fighting since the US invasion. From Karbala, Borzou Daragahi reports.

Who Needs Sleep?

May 30, 2006
Workers in Hollywood are complaining about work conditions. Not about pay. Not about benefits. About the fact that they work the weirdest hours. And now, someone's made a film about it. Lisa Napoli reports.