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'Specialists' on trial

Jun 14, 2006
Two traders who specialize in creating markets for underperforming stocks on the New York Stock Exchange go on trial today for allegedly cheating investors. Alisa Roth reports.

Freezing US assets tied to Iran

Jun 14, 2006
The Treasury Department yesterday froze the US assets of four companies who do business with Iran. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Congress wary of 'emergency' spending

Jun 13, 2006
President Bush's spending habits in Iraq are getting a closer look on the Hill. More than four years and $400 billion later, Congress appears ready to put its foot down on the use of emergency budget requests for the war. John Dimsdale reports.

Wall Street's beleaguered brokerages

Jun 13, 2006
Goldman Sachs today reported gangbuster earnings for last quarter, only to see its share price fall three percent. Yesterday something similar happened to Lehman Brothers. Amy Scott has the story.

Ford CEO calls for smarter meetings

Jun 13, 2006
Ford Motor's chief executive has unveiled a new policy on meetings. Sometimes, he says, they're counterproductive. No kidding. Tess Vigeland went looking for ways to help them avoid meeting mayhem.
Ford logo
Tim Boyle (c) Getty Images

Breaking the system of 'legalized bribery'

Jun 13, 2006
Commentator and Washington Post columnist Jeff Birnbaum says the Jack Abramoff scandal in Washington has made politicians admit something they didn't want to: Money has power.

Closet crafters cash in on clutter

Jun 13, 2006
The housing boom is slowing across the country, but there is one home market that's still expanding — the closet. Intrepid reporter Cash Peters went on a tour of the oversized closet.

For public good, not for profit.

Underground pharming

Jun 13, 2006
It's the farm of tomorrow hundreds of feet underground, where big companies test <NOBR>bio-engineered</NOBR> crops in huge caverns to prevent the accidental spread of seeds. Janet Babin reports.

World markets in free fall

Jun 13, 2006
As stock traders worry that US interest rate hikes will trigger a global slowdown in the economy, markets around the world continue to plunge.

Markets brace for PPI report

Jun 13, 2006
Financial markets around the world today await the first of two reports on inflationary trends due out this week. An increase in the Producer Price Index could trigger a global stock sell-off. Amy Scott reports.