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Libya could offer more than oil

Jun 12, 2006
The US has plans to remove Libya from its blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism and restore diplomatic relations. But, says writer and commentator Reza Aslan, we really need to help Libya diversify its economy.

Underdogs of war, part 2

Jun 12, 2006
Gone are the days when American soldiers cooked chow and did their own laundry. Now contractors in Iraq do those duties, and the workers come from all over the world. Ben Gilbert reports.

Options backdating probe grows

Jun 12, 2006
Monster joins a growing list of US companies whose stock option grants to senior executives are being investigated by the SEC. Host Kai Ryssdal talks to Marketplace's Bob Moon about what's at issue.

Opening up records to police

Jun 12, 2006
A proposed law in Rhode Island would give police officers unrestricted access to phone and Internet records. Alisa Roth has the story.

Backing team Mexico

Jun 12, 2006
Many Americans are almost defiantly indifferent to the World Cup, leaving companies to aim their soccer marketing at fans of non-US teams. No. 1 on the list: Mexico. Nate DiMeo has the story.

NYMEX changes course

Jun 12, 2006
Traders who buy and sell oil do so on several exchanges, including the New York Mercantile Exchange. It's going electronic today in a bid to compete against rival exchange ICE. Amy Scott reports.

Sustainable banking winners

Jun 12, 2006
Banks are realizing that companies with a green bent are a sound financial investment. Sam Eaton reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Small arms = big bucks for China

Jun 12, 2006
A report from Amnesty International finds covert Chinese arms exports are stoking conflicts in hot spots around the world. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Antarctic tourism

Jun 12, 2006
Among the issues on the agenda for today's meeting of signatories to the Antarctic Treaty: What, if anything, should be done about the growing tourism trade to the frozen continent? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Sloan Sessions: Estate tax

Jun 12, 2006
Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan and host Scott Jagow discuss the potential downside of repealing the estate tax for people with large estates.