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Farm lobby sour over budget compromise

Jun 12, 2006
The farm lobby is looking to regroup after winding up on the losing end of a Congressional compromise to provide emergency funding for the war in Iraq. John Dimsdale reports.

Cell phone blocker

Jun 12, 2006
A new technology could provide the answer to annoying cell calls in theaters and other public places. But intentionally jamming cell signals could be illegal. Lisa Napoli reports.

Change coming at UAW

Jun 12, 2006
US automakers are asking unions to accept some pretty big changes. And now the president of the United Auto Workers says they're going have to bite the bullet and do it. Janet Babin reports.

Beware viruses on IM

Jun 12, 2006
Instant messaging is a popular tool for communicating at the office, but it might also let in some nasty enemies. It's the latest vector for computer viruses. Alex Cohen reports.

Is Venice doomed?

Jun 12, 2006
Billions have been spent to save Venice from sinking into the sea. Now there's debate about whether too much money is going toward saving the storied city. Stephen Beard reports.

Dining on a large scale

Jun 9, 2006
In New York, some restaurant owners are opening outposts on a vast scale, seating hundreds of diners at a time. Can these giants survive? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Could lower cable TV bills be on the way?

Jun 9, 2006
The House has approved legislation that could make your cable bill a whole lot cheaper. How? By helping communications companies like Verizon and AT&T get in on cable TV action. Alisa Roth reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Three Gorges, lots of questions

Jun 9, 2006
China recently completed the Three Gorges Dam. It will be another two years before it's generatinig power. But debate over the project's value could drag on even longer. Ruth Kirchner reports from Hubei province.

But can it get rid of the lampshade?

Jun 9, 2006
A French company is looking to bring to the United States its purported hangover cure. Stephen Beard reports on the product's claims . . . and its limitations.

It's a weaker GOP with no DeLay

Jun 9, 2006
Commentator Adrian Wooldridge says departing Republican Congressman Tom DeLay should be hailed as a departing giant. The congressman known as The Hammer played hardball, but he played it effectively.