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World markets tank

Jun 8, 2006
Major world indexes fell again today — as much as 5 percent in some places. And Wall Street didn't fare much better most of the day. Bob Moon reports.

Interest rates are rising, commodities falling

Jun 8, 2006
The Fed's not the only one worried about inflation. Seven central banks raised short-term interest rates this week. Those jitters are shaking confidence in commodities too. Stephen Beard reports from London.

Wendy's gets leaner

Jun 8, 2006
The No. 3 US fast-food chain announced it's switching cooking oil to significantly reduce trans-fats in french fries and chicken items. But will customers like it? Helen Palmer reports.

Reducing oil dependency 25 by 25

Jun 8, 2006
The latest proposal to wean the US off Middle Eastern oil is called 25 by 25. It calls for us to get a quarter of our energy from renewable sources by 2025. But getting it through Congress is another matter. Sam Eaton reports.

Florida citrus ban

Jun 8, 2006
The US Department of Agriculture yesterday announced a ban on shipments of fresh Florida citrus fruit to other citrus-growing states to prevent the spread of citrus canker. Dan Grech reports on the impact.

New take on Superfund

Jun 8, 2006
Given its ever-tighter budget to clean up contaminated sites, the EPA is trying a new tack: Selling Superfund sites to developers who agree to remove toxic substances. Alex Cohen reports.

Inflation fears deflating world markets

Jun 8, 2006
Concern about inflation and interest rates is cutting deeper and deeper into world markets. Today, Asian stocks fell to their lowest levels in months. Jocelyn Ford reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Bernanke, inflation and the markets

Jun 8, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell and host Scott Jagow discuss the market's reaction to recent comments by Fed chief Ben Bernanke on inflation.

US soccer headed to new heights?

Jun 8, 2006
Business of sports expert David Carter and host Mark Austin Thomas discuss how the World Cup soccer tournament could spark greater interest in US professional soccer.

Delta hits more turbulence

Jun 8, 2006
It looked like things were finally going Delta's way. The bankrupt airline reached an agreement with its pilots union to save nearly $300 million a year. But now the government's calling the deal unfair. Alisa Roth reports.