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NYSE, Euronext deal

Jun 2, 2006
The Big Board has reached a deal to merge with Euronext to create the first trans-Atlantic stock exchange. Bob Moon has more.

Mortgage rates hit four-year high

Jun 2, 2006
Hillary Wicai reports the higher lending fees could trigger procrastinating home-owners to refinance.

FDA restaurant report

Jun 2, 2006
Government food regulators are expected to release a report today calling on restaurants to give caloric information on their menus. Scott Tong has more.

A hedge fund pandemic?

Jun 2, 2006
Hedge funds are dangerous, more of a threat to the world's economy than a bird flu pandemic. That's a new warning from the European Central Bank. Stephen Beard reports.

Swiss beefcakes lure wives, girlfriends

Jun 2, 2006
While the attention of European men is focused on the World Cup in Germany this summer, Switzerland hopes to catch the eye, and euros, of the continent's females. Curt Nickisch reports.

Do movie reviews matter anymore?

Jun 2, 2006
Daily Variety editor Michael Speier and host Mark Austin Thomas take a look at the influence of picks and pans.

Employment figures weaker than expected

Jun 2, 2006
The US unemployment rate hasn't been this low in five years, but wages grew at a slower pace and the hiring rate declined too. Is the economy cooling? Hillary Wicai reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Wal-Mart shareholders meet

Jun 2, 2006
Dissident shareholders put forth a slate of provocative corporate governance resolutions at today's annual meeting. John Dimsdale has the details.

World Cup mania

Jun 2, 2006
Business of sports commentator Diana Nyad talks to host Scott Jagow about advertisers and the world's biggest sporting event.

Gulf Coast energy forecast: uneasy

Jun 1, 2006
As the Gulf Coast braces for this year's hurricane season, Sam Eaton looks at how the area's buildings and construction rules are different nowadays.