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Mortgage "rescue" schemes

Jun 2, 2005
A new report from the <a href="" target="_blank">National Consumer Law Center</a> says that Americans across the country are being cheated out of their homes by mortgage scams. And thanks to a confluence of economic forces, the number of victims is expected to rise.

"Day in the Work Life": Pastry Chef

Apr 29, 2005
This week, three Americans won the World Cup of Baking championship in Paris. The competition is a grueling eight-hour event, requiring teams to bake more than 80 baguettes, 90 pastries, and 160 mini-sandwiches. On this week's A Day in the Work Life... our regular look at how folks trade their time for money... a puff piece on a pastry chef.

"Day in the Work Life": Cowboy Poet

Apr 22, 2005
April is National Poetry Month. So, on this week's "A Day In the Work Life" -- our regular look at how folks trade time for money -- we start a campfire with a poet of the prairie.

From The Money Matters Desk: A Consumer Report on Buying Wine

Aug 28, 2004
On this week's "Money Matters" - our regular look at how to improve your bottom line-- we've got some beverage tips just in time for your Labor Day celebration. If you are sick of picking up a six-pack when the invite says BYOB, why not choose a bottle of wine instead? Kai asks Randy Clement, the co-owner of Silverlake Wine in Los Angeles, for help in selecting wine.

Personal finance for graduates

Jul 3, 2004
About a million and a half college seniors got their diplomas this spring. Next comes the real world and a long, long list of things to do. Find a job...for one. Get a place to live...for another. But what about a trip back to the classroom? Several studies give college graduates an F when it comes to understanding personal finance. If it's just too early to think about course registration, we're happy to offer this crash course. Nancy Farghalli has it.

Housing factoid

Mar 16, 2004
Are you spending too much on housing?

Balancing Act

Jan 17, 2004
Chris Farrell offers up his opinion on how the government handles its books.

For public good, not for profit.