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Health industry faces big decisions with Supreme Court ruling

Jun 27, 2012
It's hard to find an example of the Supreme Court tossing out a law, where more had already been done to implement it. If even part of health care reform is tossed out, insurers and regulators face a huge task deciding what to undo, and how.

Packed court docket is a boom for SCOTUSblog

Jun 26, 2012
A series of high-profile decisions from the Supreme Court this term have meant a giant jump in traffic and attention for the SCOTUSblog.

Lawyers and lobbyists play waiting game

Jun 26, 2012
With the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act pushed until Thursday, the usual parlor game of guessing what the justices will decide has become something of a waiting game, too.

Groups mobilize for health care decision

Jun 26, 2012
When the Supreme Court makes its decision on the Affordable Care Act, advocacy groups will be trying to maximize their national exposure as a way to boost their brands.

The health care law's legacy

Jun 25, 2012
Even if the Affordable Care Act is thrown out by the Supreme Court, some changes spurred by the law are here to stay.

Defining 'pre-existing conditions'

Jun 22, 2012
The Supreme Court is about to announces its decision on the health care reform law, which includes guaranteed coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions. But what exactly counts as one?

Anxious lobbyists await health care reform decision

Jun 21, 2012
One group who's paying close attention to the Supreme Court's announcement on the Affordable Care Act? Health industry lobbyists. Politico's Anna Palmer discusses how those industries are getting ready to react.

For public good, not for profit.

High stakes in the health care ruling

Jun 20, 2012
The Supreme Court is set to rule on the individual mandate, which requires almost everyone to buy health insurance. For some people, the decision could be life-changing.

A response from the Relative Value Update Committee

Jun 19, 2012
We did a story last week about health care costs and a part of the American Medical Association called the Relative Value Update Committee -- RUC. The head of the committee responds to the story.

The world of health-care pricing

Jun 11, 2012
A committee of the American Medical Association plays an important role in Medicare's setting of prices for medical procedures.