Ever heard of modern monetary theory?

It's a way of thinking about the economy. Picture a bathroom sink ...
U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that Modern Monetary Theory should “be a larger part of our conversation."
Mario Tama/Getty Images

How the shutdown is affecting child support payments

Jan 24, 2019
The potential loss of another paycheck adds another complication for federal workers who pay child support.
Social worker Pam Harrison holds a sign protesting the government shutdown at the James V. Hansen Federal Building on January 10, 2019 in Ogden, Utah.
Natalie Behring/Getty Images

Did your town make this list of best-performing cities?

Jan 24, 2019
The Milken Institute's annual ranking is out. What are these cities doing right?
Provo, Utah topped the Milken Institute's Best-Performing Cities list.
DenisTangneyJr/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The shutdown will impact GDP, but individual workers will bear the brunt

Jan 24, 2019
The White House has estimated that the partial government shutdown will reduce economic growth in the U.S. by 0.13 percentage points for every week the government remains closed. Speaking on CNBC yesterday, Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, said those effects would be temporary. “We will get it all back,” he said, once […]
Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, arrives outside the White House to speak with reporters in December.
Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

What the jobs report doesn't tell you

Jan 23, 2019
Javier Cobo knows that people don't always re-enter the workforce by choice.
The good numbers in the December jobs report don't tell the whole story.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Schools worry that shutdown will affect lunch programs

Jan 23, 2019
The shutdown has school districts worried about their ability to feed students.
The partial government shutdown has school districts worried about their ability to feed students.
ToddNiemann/Getty Images Plus

For public good, not for profit.

What the partial government shutdown could mean for FBI agents

Jan 23, 2019
A new report looks into the long-term impact.
FBI Agents Association member Thomas O'Connor holds up an FBI report 'Voices From the Field' giving examples of how the government shutdown is undermining their work on drug and gang enforcement, security, and counter-terrorism, as he speaks during a press conference in Washington, DC, on January 22, 2019.

Americans are having fewer babies, and it might have to do with the economy

Jan 22, 2019
Since the Great Recession hit in late 2007, fertility rates have been declining in the United States. A recent CDC study helps make the link between fertility and the economy.
"We know there's a link between the economy and fertility," says Gretchen Livingston of the Pew Research Center. "But at the same time you know by many measures the economy has recovered and fertility has not."
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

With financial distress, come fraudsters

Jan 21, 2019
As the partial federal shutdown continues with no visible end in sight, banks and creditors have offered the up-to-800,000 affected workers loans and payment deferments so they can keep up with their finances. At the same time, fraudulent agencies may be targeting these workers. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.