Heating up the power grid

Jul 17, 2006
It's hot out there. The first six months of 2006 have been the hottest on record in the US. So why haven't we seen any rolling blackouts, brownouts or other effects of energy drains? Amy Scott reports.

The Dead Zone: Problem grows from farmers' fields

Jul 14, 2006
Fertilizer runoff from the fields of Corn Belt farmers is one of the root causes behind declining fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. What can be done? Sam Eaton reports. <em>Second of two parts.</em>

How to save up to 30 percent on gas

Jul 14, 2006
Host Scott Jagow talks to author Ron Hollenbeck about tips for getting better gas mileage. And it's not just driving less &mdash; though that'll work too.

High cost of nuclear energy

Jul 13, 2006
Commentator Mark Hertsgaard says G8 leaders are overestimating the benefits and underestimating the costs of nuclear power.

Checking Earth's vital signs

Jul 13, 2006
Worldwatch Institute's latest report on the health of our planet finds that the global economy is booming &mdash; but it's taking a toll on the environment. Helen Palmer reports.

"Dead Zone" threatens shrimp fishery

Jul 13, 2006
Sam Eaton reports on how agricultural runoff in the Mississippi River continues to flow into the Gulf of Mexico, suffocating sea life and threatening a once-thriving Louisiana industry. <nobr><em>First of two parts.</em></nobr>

Checking Earth's vital signs

Jul 13, 2006
Worldwatch Institute offers its latest look at the health of the planet and finds the global economy is booming &mdash; but with environmental consequences. Helen Palmer reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Gore screens film at Wal-Mart HQ

Jul 12, 2006
Al Gore screened his documentary about global warming today at what may seem like an unlikely location: Wal-Mart's corporate headquarters. Lisa Napoli explains.

Critter contraptions

Jul 10, 2006
A cottage industry has sprung up around products designed to keep people and wildlife separate as suburbs encroach on wild places. Brian Bull reports.

Ticket to a green ride

Jul 7, 2006
Buying a hybrid isn't the only way to save gas. Sarah Gardner gets behind the wheel for a lesson in eco-driving.