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You plan your retirement, then you get the health bill

Nov 19, 2013
As the American population ages and insurers try to rein in costs, the share of health and medical costs that retirees can expect to shoulder is becoming more formidable.

Princeton to give out meningitis vaccine not approved in the U.S.

Nov 19, 2013
There have been seven cases of type B meningitis at the university since March.

Taking care of aging parents, from a distance

Nov 19, 2013
Besides the physical and emotional strains of caring for an elderly parent, there are the financial effects.

Obamacare's next possible nightmare: Privacy issues

Nov 19, 2013
The security implications for the botched ACA exchange rollout.

Medicare's failure to track doctors wastes billions on brand-name drugs

Nov 18, 2013
Medicare is wasting hundreds of millions of dollars a year by failing to rein in doctors who routinely give patients pricey name-brand drugs when cheaper generic alternatives are available.

Walmart's Obamacare news: The latest corporate excuse?

Nov 18, 2013
Walmart has signaled that the ACA requirement that most Americans either carry insurance or pay a penalty could hurt sales.

When doctors prescribe brand-name drugs over generics, the taxpayers foot the bill

Nov 18, 2013
A new analysis by ProPublica finds that many doctors in the U.S. prescribe brand-name drugs to Medicare patients when generics can be dramatically cheaper -- and it's costing taxpayers hundreds of millions a year.

For public good, not for profit.

Adjusting to the new contours of the ACA

Nov 15, 2013
Health insurers have spent millions retooling their business plan in order to function under the ACA.

Insurance companies scramble as Obama changes health law

Nov 15, 2013
Health insurance companies are trying to adapt after the president announced a policy reversal to let people with cancelled policies keep their insurance.

In signing up the young, it's slow going

Nov 15, 2013
For Obamacare to work, the "young invincibles" need to sign up. And, so far, they're not.