Oil execs in meetings with pope

Jun 8, 2018
Pope Francis has called the world’s leading oil execs to the Vatican. Meetings are today and tomorrow, and will include leaders from companies like BP and ExxonMobil. They’re gathering to talk about how their businesses can tackle climate change. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

Trump, Perry propose a lifeline for coal and nuclear sectors that critics say is unnecessary and would be harmful

Jun 5, 2018
The latest directive would allow the Energy Department to use a complex wartime law in the interest of national security.

West Virginia effort to aid Puerto Rico is caught in Trump’s solar tariffs

Jun 1, 2018
With 2018's hurricane season starting, some families are still recovering from last year's storms.
Months after the storms, many communities on the island have no electricity.
Courtesy of Rebecca Kiger

One year after President Trump walked away from the Paris climate accord, cities rise to the challenge

Jun 1, 2018
Today marks one year since President Donald Trump made good on his threat to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord agreed to under the Obama administration. In response, 17 states and 2,700 mayors and business leaders have pledged to do their part to honor the deal that calls on the nation to […]

McDonald's shareholders consider a switch to paper straws

May 24, 2018
Plastic straws could be banned in New York City if a new bill introduced in the city council this week goes through. Similar restrictions are being considered for California. Several cities there have already banned the plastic straw. And both the U.K. and Taiwan have announced plans to eliminate them. Today McDonald’s shareholders are scheduled […]

The EPA is looking to regulate chemicals found in some widely used products

May 23, 2018
Environmental groups, dubious of the move by the agency say new regulations could take years to come.

California Energy Commission to vote on solar-required home building

May 9, 2018
The California Energy Commission is expected to vote today on a proposal that would make the state the first in the country to require new homes be built with solar panels. The proposal, which is expected to pass, would go into effect in 2020 and apply to most new residential buildings of up to three stories. […]

For public good, not for profit.

Scientists exit the warm embrace of research for politics

May 7, 2018
Many candidates fear the Trump administration is actively stifling science.
Jess Phoenix and husband Carlos canvass a Lancaster neighborhood ahead of the June 5 primary.
Jed Kim/Marketplace

The EPA is at the center of a debate over pesticide regulations

Apr 23, 2018
Chlorpyrifos has helped protect crops from pests since 1965, but it's also been linked in studies to low-IQ babies and dead fish.
Farmer Mike Locati in eastern Washington.
Courtesy of Esmy Jimenez

Scientists race toward $7.5 million prize to reduce carbon

Apr 12, 2018
The XPRIZE started with 38 teams and is now down to a final 10.
Members of Carbon Upcycling UCLA convert and harden building materials by treating them with carbon dioxide.
Courtesy of UCLA Samueli School of Engineering