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Mining data for a map to the uninsured

Oct 16, 2013
In Camden, New Jersey, one non-profit is using real-time hospital data to help locate people eligible for Obamacare.

Medicare enrollment confusion could cost us cash

Oct 14, 2013
Medicare enrollment is already confusing enough. The new health care exchanges will only make it more so. And that could end up being costly for taxpayers.

Giving the health care exchanges a check-up

Oct 11, 2013
Two weeks in, what's the status of the state and federal insurance exchanges?

Get a discount on health care -- if you wear a tracking bracelet

Oct 11, 2013
Employers can give employees bigger discounts on health care if they participate in wellness programs. But what if instead of gym memberships and health surveys, those programs handed out devices that tracked your every step?

Hollywood writes a new storyline for Obamacare

Oct 10, 2013
Hollywood Health and Society, part of the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, has created a health care-information pipeline straight to the entertainment industry

Insurers look for workarounds to the Affordable Care Act

Oct 8, 2013
The health care exchanges are still a technical mess, and some insurers are beefing up their own sites to help people get started.

For public good, not for profit.

Australians ahead of the curve when it comes to moving health care to the digital world

Oct 3, 2013
In Australia, digital medical records and other health care technologies have been in place for years.

Are the health exchanges accessible to those in the Latino community?

Oct 3, 2013
The online health care exchange plans are getting special attention in the Latino community.

Obamacare costs jobs: Insurance brokers

Oct 2, 2013
If you’re an insurance agent, now you know how all those travel agents felt when Expedia came online.