Bridges to Nowhere

Nov 18, 2005
Those infamous Alaskan bridges to sparsely populated areas drew lots of criticism as egregious examples of pork. In response, Congress has pulled the earmarked funds for the bridges. But as Hillary Wicai reports, that doesn't mean taxpayers won't still be paying for them.

Businesses look to rein in USAPATRIOT Act

Nov 17, 2005
The House is expected to vote today on changes to the USAPATRIOT act that would restrict the ability of federal officials to seize business records in terrorism investigations. Amy Scott reports.

Farms as Superfund sites?

Nov 16, 2005
A Congressional committee today takes up the issue of whether big industrial farms can fall under Superfund cleanup oversight. Sam Eaton reports.

Pre-K in Georgia

Nov 16, 2005
Many states use lottery proceeds to improve public schools. In Georgia, lotto revenue has been used to create a model public pre-kindergarten program. But as Sarah Gardner reports, the program's advocates wonder if the money will keep rolling in.

The 'Energy Security' Act

Nov 16, 2005
Senators from both side of the aisle unveil a new bill today aimed at, in part, increasing the number of alternative-fuel vehicles on US roads. Jeff Tyler reports.

Bernanke hearings

Nov 15, 2005
The Senate Banking Committee opens hearings today on Ben Bernanke's nomination as chairman of the Federal Reserve board. John Dimsdale reports.

Senators to grill Big Oil on windfall profits

Nov 9, 2005
CEOs from ExxonMobile, CononcoPhillips and three other oil companies go before a joint Senate committee today to try and justify record profits in light of record high gas prices. John Dimsdale reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Dueling drug measures in California

Nov 8, 2005
Competing ballot initiatives before voters in California today look to address the rising cost of prescription drugs. The primary differences lie in who supports them and how regulated they would be. Tamara Keith reports.

AFL-CIO looks to free up resources

Nov 7, 2005
The AFL-CIO wants to retool its organizational structure in Pennsylvania and free up more resources for union organizing. If it works there, Hillary Wicai reports, it could be a model for other states to follow.

Senate to Vote on Reconciliation

Nov 3, 2005
The Senate on Thursday is scheduled to vote on a budget reconciliation bill that among other things would cut Medicaid, farm subsidies, and student financial aid, and open ANWR to drilling. Hillary Wicai reports.