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New taxes take effect to fund Affordable Care Act

Dec 25, 2012
Fiscal cliff deal or not, some taxes will go up either way.

New technology helps Swedish care for elderly

Dec 25, 2012
Sweden has taken giant steps when it comes to heath care. With one of the oldest populations and highest life expectancies in the world, the Scandinavian nation is using new medical technology to care for its aging citizens.

Bringing wellness programs to every worker

Dec 14, 2012
As health care costs climb steadily for employers, wellness programs are moving to the factory floor.

States must make health care decisions

Dec 12, 2012
The deadline for states to decide whether they'll run their own insurance exchanges is looming.

Cracking the codes of the new bible of mental disorders

Dec 3, 2012
An updated version of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual could mean new winners and losers in the healthcare industry.

New health care law hits the job market

Nov 23, 2012
When the Affordable Care Act takes effect in 2014, some employers may cut workers' hours to avoid providing benefits.

New health care rules may still leave sickest underserved

Nov 21, 2012
Health advocates say the new rules under the Affordable Care Act still allow insurers too much flexibility in the coverage they offer.

For public good, not for profit.

Making sense of health care exchanges

Nov 16, 2012
After states decide whether to set up their own exchanges, or let the federal government do it, then comes the hard part.

Why mental health check-ups matter

Nov 13, 2012
Physical check-ups with physicians are common, but what about a tune-up for your mind?
A tax on health plans could lead to higher wages, but it also may lead to higher out-of-pocket health costs, too.
Adam Berry/Getty Images

Patients should discuss money with their doctors

Nov 9, 2012
When you receive bad news from your physician, money is often the last thing on your mind. But it's something you should consider. One doctor offers a few tips.