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Alisa Roth

Latest Stories (687)

Active-duty data on stolen laptop too

Jun 7, 2006
That laptop stolen from a Veteran's Affairs employee? It didn't just have personal information on 26 million veterans. Turns out information for most active-duty military was on there as well. Alisa Roth reports.

Air traffic jam

Jun 5, 2006
Today is the deadline for Congress to decide if it wants to intervene in the contract dispute between air traffic controllers and the Federal Aviation Administration. Alisa Roth tells us what's at stake.

Buying into China

Jun 1, 2006
The Bank of China went public today for a total of almost $10 billion dollars. Chinese banks have had corruption problems in the past — so what's the attraction? Alisa Roth reports.

Cut oil production? Not so fast . . .

Jun 1, 2006
OPEC ministers today are expected to ignore pleas from Venezuela to cut oil production. Alisa Roth looks at the supply and demand issues behind the decision.

11th hour for Alcoa

May 31, 2006
Unionized workers at Alcoa have threatened to strike when their contract expires at midnight tonight, but a walkout may actually help the company's bottom line. Alisa Roth reports.

But can you gamble and chew gum at the same time?

May 26, 2006
Singapore, known for outlawing spitting and restricting chewing gum sales, has hired Las Vegas Sands Corp. to build and run what will be the world's most expensive casino. Expected cost: $3.2 billion. Alisa Roth reports.

Enron legacy

May 26, 2006
Newly-convicted Enron executives Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling both plan to appeal, but whatever happens the case has changed the legal landscape for corporations. Alisa Roth reports.

Delphi drama

May 25, 2006
Delphi wants a bankruptcy judge to void its contracts with the United Auto Workers. The UAW is threatening to strike if that happens and GM wants more time to get this resolved before the dominoes would start falling. Alisa Roth reports.

MasterCard IPO

May 24, 2006
MasterCard is going public Thursday, and it's expected to be one of the biggest IPOs in years. About $2.8 billion. Alisa Roth reports on the company's transition — and where all that money's going.

Big day for Bertelsmann

May 23, 2006
Today a minority stakeholder could formally request an initial public offering of media conglomerate Bertelsmann. Or the family-owned company could decide to buy out the 25% ownership instead. Alisa Roth gives us the pros and cons.