
Latest Stories (161)

Paul F. Tompkins and the pivotal 300

Nov 20, 2009
The esteemed comedian and friend of the show has come up with an interesting way of leveraging Teh Interwebzzz to book his shows and travel. If 300...

Psycho Acoustics is the name of my new Courtney Love- James Taylor mashup band

Nov 20, 2009
From Wired: California company selling what they call simulations of Beatles songs for 25 cents. They say they were produced through a process...

Easily my favorite music video in a long time

Nov 20, 2009
Maybe ever. Charlotte Gainsbourg + Beck + Weirdness. Oh, and just to have a reason to put it here: technology.

Apple's App Store Approval Process

Nov 20, 2009
That's a whole lot of use of the letters a-p-p in a row. But the app store has more problems than that what with slow approvals, seemingly...

Beautiful medical testing

Nov 19, 2009
It looks like a piece of decorative iron, but it's really a tiny chip that allows blood to roll through its tiny tubes, casting off information a...

Our Friend Anil Dash has a new gig

Nov 19, 2009
helping the government listen to people. Not easy but he's a smart dude. Expert Labs debuts today, with $500k from the MacArthur Foundation backing...

Interesting tech stories happen outside of the US

Nov 18, 2009
Africa, for example, where the laptop and even the smartphone just don't matter as much as the robust cell phone. So important are they, in fact,...

Sound Cannons at Sea

Nov 18, 2009