
Latest Stories (161)

The Cult of the Somewhat Delayed

Oct 29, 2009
Seriously, you could save a bundle. Only catch is that membership would require sort of living the last two years of your life over again but hey,...

City of Los Angeles goes to Gmail

Oct 28, 2009
Abandon MSFT, embrace the GOOG. Now when email isn't working they won't have to rely on an overburdened IT guy, they'll have to rely on an...

Wait a second.

Oct 22, 2009
Windows 7 installation went fine but it wanted you to uninstall iTunes and Google Toolbar?

Disney Keychest

Oct 22, 2009
First, I don't think "Keychest" is really a word. And if you have a chest full of keys, wouldn't you need a key to open the chest? You didn't lock...

Here's what I'd like to see

Oct 20, 2009
So Facebook and Twitter are essentially a microblogging platform. Rather than create a blog post (the old fashioned way), or update a "personal web...


Oct 19, 2009
A history of bad MSFT advertising, dating back to Steve Ballmer doing…some…thing… about Windows. Is he trying to act cheesy on...

Wolfram Alpha is on the iPhone

Oct 19, 2009
They sure are smart people who invented Wolfram Alpha. They sure are dumb at app pricing.

Resisting urge to make fun of Dungeons & Dragons

Oct 13, 2009
especially since they appear to have gotten the challenge of paid content vs. free content exactly right. They've achieved a huge user base with a...