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Latest Stories (161)

Wow, Pepsi

Oct 13, 2009
I believe you've created one of the most sexist and horrifying things I've ever seen : the Before You Score app.

Before we start believing that Mossberg is always right...

Oct 9, 2009
"After months of testing Vista on multiple computers, new and old, I believe it is the best version of Windows that Microsoft has produced." —...

It takes a web user base of millions to finance our album

Oct 6, 2009
Public Enemy's new record to be financed via Sellaband. They need to raise $250,000. As I type this, they've raised a little less than six grand....

Well, they are good at design

Oct 6, 2009
A soon-to-be Apple employee reviews the company's job offer as a product. Unboxing and everything. Funny but also informative. (via Daring Fireball...

Got a blog?

Oct 5, 2009
If you get something for free, give it a glowing review, and don't disclose you got it for free, you could be fined ten grand, thanks to new FTC...

On the fabled Apple Notebook.

Oct 5, 2009
Another former Apple executive who was there at the time said the tablets kept getting shelved at Apple because Mr. Jobs, whose incisive...