Dan Gorenstein

Senior Reporter


Dan Gorenstein is the former senior reporter for Marketplace’s Health Desk, covering the business of healthcare.

Prior to Marketplace, Dan spent more than 11 years at New Hampshire Public Radio. He got his start in journalism at the Chicago Reporter, an investigative journal that examines race and class disparities in the Chicago area. He’s won numerous national and local awards, including the Society of Professional Journalist Sigma Delta Chi investigative reporting award.

Latest Stories (640)

Regional banks shed some oversight to shave costs

Nov 15, 2017
To boost profits, some banks are focusing on core banking businesses and escaping Fed oversight. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Tax cuts = math problem for lawmakers

Nov 10, 2017
Senate Republicans’ tax proposal seeks to preserve medical deductions. That’s one of the proposed provisions revealing that the House and Senate don’t entirely agree on how to pay for promised tax cuts. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

What it's like to be young, working two part-time jobs while navigating Obamacare during repeal efforts

Nov 8, 2017
Turning 26 and buying health insurance for the first time during a period of uncertainty over the fate of Obamacare is stressful.
A computer screen shows the enrollment page for the Affordable Care Act on November 1, 2017 in Miami, Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The tax bill is out – time for amendments ... and lobbyists

Nov 6, 2017
Today the House Ways and Means Committee meets to debate the bill to overhaul the tax code. Officially it’s called a markup: committee members offer amendments before it goes to a House vote. What happens during a markup – and what could we see here?  Click the audio player above to her the full story. 

Survey finds low-income people pay more in monthly bank fees

Oct 23, 2017
It can pay to have a checking account. But a new survey out this morning from Bankrate shows low-income consumers end up paying more in monthly bank fees than other customers. The survey found that consumers with annual household incomes under $30,000 pay an average of $31 in monthly fees compared to $9 for people […]

The experience of getting older will be very different for today’s young people

Oct 19, 2017
A new Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report said that as younger generations are getting older, their experience of aging is dramatically different to those who came before. One big difference — growing inequality between the affluent and less well off. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Is the Trump administration aiming for a “synthetic repeal” of Obamcare?

Oct 9, 2017
For the time being at least, Congress is not going to repeal Obamacare. But President Trump knows there’s a lot he can do on his own. There are reports that he’s going to issue an executive order this week, making it easier for insurers to sidestep ACA regulations and sell more bare bones, cheaper plans […]

Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

The cost of uncertainty: President Donald Trump's threat to Obamacare subsidies drives up premiums.
In 2018, some healthcare premiums might go up by as much as 50 percent. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

With mass trauma victims, Las Vegas hospitals are put to the test

Oct 3, 2017
After Sunday night’s shooting in Las Vegas, emergency responders rushed hundreds of people to hospitals in and around the city. Most hospitals in the country are built to provide elective, predictable care. Few in the country have the capacity to handle that sort of surge – so how does a hospital prepare for mass trauma? […]

New rules limit equity seniors can take out of their homes in reverse mortgages

Oct 2, 2017
Starting today , it’s going to be harder for seniors to take out loans against the equity of their homes — what are known as reverse mortgages. New rules are taking effect that limit the size of the loans — loans that many rely on as an additional source of income. Instead of 64 percent […]