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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Pass the guinea pig please

Dec 19, 2008
Peruvians have enjoyed eating roasted, fried and stewed guinea pigs for centuries. Now, they are trying to market the guinea pig as a low-cost alternative for Christmas dinner. Dan Grech reports.

White House considering auto bailout

Dec 12, 2008
With the Senate's failure to approve the $14 billion loan for the auto industry, the White House is considering stepping in with bailout money. Meanwhile, finger pointing over GOP senators' opposition has begun on Capitol Hill. Dan Grech reports.

Auto loans face tough road in Senate

Dec 11, 2008
The House approved $14 billion in loans to help automakers survive. But things don't look promising for the bill as it heads to the Senate, where Republicans are threatening a filibuster. Dan Grech reports.

Ford bails out of bailout

Dec 10, 2008
The heads of Ford have stepped out of the plan for the auto industry bailout, saying they don't need the money. But why was Ford able to jump ship and not GM or Chrysler? Dan Grech explores a critical company move.

Auto loan has strings attached

Dec 10, 2008
To get its $15 billion loan, the auto industry has to devise a restructuring deadline and deal with a car czar. Steve Chiotakis talks to Marketplace's Dan Grech about what's being negotiated in the deal.

Automaker loans still have opposition

Dec 9, 2008
Congress could vote on a $15 billion loan to automakers tomorrow, but the deal still has opposition. Scott Jagow talks to Marketplace's Dan Grech about the sticking points between Republicans and Democrats.

Panama focuses on even more trade

Dec 9, 2008
Panama will begin a 12-nation summit tomorrow on trade in the hemisphere. Focusing on trade growth, the country is preparing to spend $5 billion to expand its canal to accommodate bigger ships. Dan Grech reports.

Cash flow squeezed for newspapers

Dec 8, 2008
Newspaper companies are hitting a serious shortage of cash in response to the fallout from the financial crisis. The Tribune company could declare bankruptcy as early as this week. Dan Grech reports.

Troubled waters for the cruise industry

Dec 3, 2008
Cruise lines have been offering big discounts to vacationers to try to keep their industry from drowning. Some companies have even suspended dividend payments to conserve cash. Dan Grech reports.

Connecting through the eye of a storm

Nov 28, 2008
A new web-based network dubbed "Hurricane Facebook" allows businesses to stay in touch and get valuable information when storms hit. Dan Grech looks into how much time and money went into the effort and who's involved.