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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Mexico still risks future flu outbreak

May 5, 2009
Mexican officials have given the OK for schools, government and business to reopen after a five-day shutdown. But whether swine flu has been successfully beaten will only be proven down the road. Dan Grech reports.

Immigration policy to target employers

May 1, 2009
The Obama administration is shifting its policy on immigration enforcement. Instead of focusing on undocumented workers, officials will put their attention on employers. Dan Grech reports.

Use caution when condo shopping

May 1, 2009
Housing prices in Florida have dropped 30% from last year. Condo prices have declined even further. But people looking to invest in a condo should first do their homework to avoid serious pitfalls. Dan Grech reports.

Can Brazil compete to host Olympics?

May 1, 2009
The International Olympic Committee traveled to Brazil this week to look at the country's assets and see if they could host the Games. Dan Grech reports how Brazil has come up from once being the world's most indebted country.

Mexico's not looking so great right now

Apr 30, 2009
Between spinning a violent drug trade and trying to curb the swine flu outbreak, Mexico has a lot to deal with to improve its image abroad. Dan Grech reports what the country can do to try to win back tourism.

New food-growth product a bit hairy

Apr 28, 2009
A Florida company has developed an all-natural product that it says could revolutionize how food is grown in the U.S. It's called Smart Grow, but it might be a tough sell. Dan Grech explains.

Mexico's ill economy ailing with the flu

Apr 27, 2009
Mexico's economy is taking a beating with high unemployment and drug violence. Now add the swine flu outbreak to the list. Dan Grech reports on how the flu outbreak is hurting Mexico's already weak economy.

Space dwindling at community colleges

Apr 27, 2009
State funding for community colleges has not been able to keep up with the rapidly increasing pace of enrollment. Dan Grech visits Miami-Dade College, where management is considering repealing an unwritten contract not to turn anyone away.

House bill could ban gerbils, parakeets

Apr 23, 2009
A House subcommittee is looking into regulating the influx of foreign animals into the U.S. by creating a list of species allowed and effectively banning all others from coming in. Dan Grech reports.

YouTube turning on to TV shows

Apr 17, 2009
YouTube is partnering with Sony, CBS, the BBC and others to bring free TV shows, movies and other professionally-created content to its viewers. The move is an effort to attract bigger ad revenue. Dan Grech reports.