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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Future of Mexico at hand

Jun 29, 2006
This weekend Mexicans elect a new president. So far, the campaign has centered around Mexico's economy and its future as the two candidates have very different approaches to running the economy. Dan Grech reports.

Mexico presidential election almost here

Jun 29, 2006
Mexicans go to the polls this weekend to elect a new president. Dan Grech looks at what's at stake economically.

Private sector leads disaster prep

Jun 13, 2006
Last year, Wal-Mart was praised for responding to the hurricanes faster than the government. As Florida's Gulf Coast braces for Alberto, it looks like the retailer is at it again. Dan Grech reports from Miami.

Florida citrus ban

Jun 8, 2006
The US Department of Agriculture yesterday announced a ban on shipments of fresh Florida citrus fruit to other citrus-growing states to prevent the spread of citrus canker. Dan Grech reports on the impact.

Mexico's presidential debate

Jun 7, 2006
Yesterday's prime-time presidential debate was considered crucial point in Mexico's decision to remain right of center or elect a more leftist president. Dan Grech has more.

Garcia back on top in Peru

Jun 5, 2006
Yesterday in Peru, disgraced former president Alan Garcia beat Ollanta Humala, the fiery candidate backed by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Dan Grech reports.

Deciding which leftist to take

Jun 2, 2006
If the experts are right, the vote in Peru's presidential runoff on Sunday could result in one of the least likely comebacks in Latin American political history. Dan Grech reports.

Peruvian elections

May 31, 2006
Peru is one of South America's economic success stories, so why are voters looking for change? Dan Grech reports on the economic stakes of the upcoming Peruvian elections.

Bolivia nationalizing mines too?

May 30, 2006
The South American nation is scheduled today to conclude an auction for foreign companies vying to mine its massive El Mutun iron ore deposits. But as Dan Grech reports, a state-owned venture between Bolivia and Venezuela could be the big winner.

Is Bolivia's gas nationalization backfiring?

May 29, 2006
Times are good in resource-rich Latin America, but there are signs that foreign investors are skittish. An iron ore auction in Bolivia attracted just one bidder. Dan Grech reports on this lukewarm response to a hot business opportunity.