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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

Plenty to talk about at NRA meeting

May 19, 2006
As the National Rifle Association prepares to open its annual meeting in Milwaukee today, Dan Grech takes a look at the current state of the gun industry.

One Home, Two Nations: Mauricio and Nelly

May 2, 2006
Marketplace Americas Correspondent Dan Grech continues the story of two friends born in El Salvador, now separated by the US border. Today, the story of their children.

Puerto Rico runs out of dolares

May 2, 2006
The US Commonwealth shut down all non-essential government services, including schools, Monday after lawmakers failed to reach a budget deal. Dan Grech looks at what's next for the island territory.

Auto dealers bring back incentives

May 2, 2006
You might think high gas prices would discourage people from buying new cars. But automakers today are expected to report a boost in sales for April. Dan Grech reports on how dealers are revving up demand.

Immigrants' anxieties rise

Apr 28, 2006
As immigrant-rights groups called for street protests next Monday and an economic boycott, federal agents arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants in Florida this week. Dan Grech reports that the events have immigrant workers on edge.

Mexican leftist courts businesses

Apr 13, 2006
Mexico's center-left presidential candidate is hoping to broaden his appeal by reaching out to the Mexican business community. Dan Grech looks at how well the strategy is likely to succeed.

Lawsuit: Sunscreen users burned by makers' claims

Mar 30, 2006
A class-action lawsuit was filed today against makers of suntan lotions. The suit alleges that most of the products don't provide as much protection as advertised. Dan Grech reports.

Computer sales slow

Mar 28, 2006
A new forecast predicts sales of personal computers will fall over the next couple of years. Dan Grech takes a look at how the industry is likely to respond.

Ecuadorian free trade

Mar 24, 2006
While trade officials from Ecuador meet with US counterparts in Washington today, protesters back home fear losing their way of life. Dan Grech reports.

WTO rules against Mexico

Mar 7, 2006
The World Trade Organization ruled that Mexico violated international trade rules by slapping a 20% tax on imported soft drinks that contain sweeteners other than cane sugar. The U.S. had opposed the tax. Dan Grech reports.