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Dan Grech

Latest Stories (522)

No quick fix for housing market

Feb 11, 2009
The mortgage meltdown triggered the current crisis we're in, so why not aim more of the stimulus at troubled homeowners? Fixing the housing market isn't going to be that easy. Dan Grech reports.

Peanut shutdown a shell shock for town

Feb 11, 2009
The town of Blakely, Ga. once thrived as a mecca for the peanut industry. But with the closing of the local peanut processing plant due to a salmonella outbreak comes a questionable future. Dan Grech reports.

Are we now in a depression?

Feb 9, 2009
The head of the International Monetary Fund says the world's advanced economies are in a depression. Dan Grech breaks down what exactly a depression means and whether we are in one.

Treasury loses on bailout investments

Feb 6, 2009
A report reviewing the bailout found taxpayers overpaid when they invested in troubled financial institutions. In contrast, private firms did very well. Dan Grech explores where the Treasury's losses varied.

Housing tax credit added to stimulus

Feb 5, 2009
The Senate passed a new amendment granting a $15,000 tax credit on the purchase of a primary house. The perk would cost $19 billion, ballooning the total stimulus to $920 billion. Dan Grech reports.

Recession could help smokers quit

Feb 4, 2009
You might think the stress of a bad economy would lead more people to smoke, but historically financial downturns have made people smoke less. Dan Grech reports why the recession encourages smoking cessation.

4 seasons not on orchestra's program

Jan 29, 2009
In winter the Cleveland Orchestra wings it to Miami, Fla. Not in search of warmer weather, but rather for revenue it can't find in its hometown's frozen economy. Dan Grech reports.

Upscale hotels are hiding their cuts

Jan 29, 2009
Revenue at luxury hotels is down as more travelers settle for cheaper accommodations. But hotel staff is going the distance to make sure their customers don't notice. Dan Grech reports.

Car dealers getting a rough deal

Jan 26, 2009
Carmakers have received billions in bailout loans, but car dealers don't seem to be as lucky. Detroit automakers want fewer dealerships around, and the recession is helping that happen. Dan Grech reports.

Decoder: Capital Adequacy Requirement

Jan 23, 2009
In order for a bank to be able to keep doing business or lending money, it needs to have a minimum amount of capital. Dan Grech explains the Capital Adequacy Requirement with help from his banker dad.