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Ethan Lindsey

Latest Stories (75)

Labor's German Model getting rusty

May 29, 2007
German workers have a long and successful tradition of organizing to assert their political will, but lately things haven't been running quite as smoothly for that country's powerful labor unions. Ethan Lindsey reports.
Striking Deutsche Telekom workers strike in front of a T-Com outlet in Essen May 11. About 11,000 workers are expected to join the strike.
Volker Hartmann/AFP/Getty Images

France, Germany talk job cuts

Feb 23, 2007
Jacques Chirac and Angela Merkel are trying to get the Airbus restructuring plan back on the runway. Germany balked at the initial plan which reportedly had it suffering the bulk of job cuts in the jointly-owned company.
The Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger aircraft, sits near the new Terminal 3, Pier 6 after landing for the first time at Heathrow Airport in London on May 18, 2006.
Scott Barbour (c) Getty Images

Jump starting the peace process

Feb 21, 2007
Palestinian ruling party Hamas has agreed to a power-sharing deal with Fatah, Israel's said that's a deal-breaker and the U.S. says it's not enough to remove the economic blockade. The Quartet meets in Berlin today to discuss what's next.
Israel and surroundings
CIA World Factbook

Going against the grain

Feb 6, 2007
Who cares what the outside of your PC looks like as long as it's got a fast chip inside, right? Well, no. Ethan Lindsey found some people for whom looks — with a fine veneer — matter.
A wood computer case

Coal mines closin' down down down

Jan 31, 2007
Germany has set a date that will effectively end all coal mining in that country by 2018, but some wonder if cleaner coal can still make a comeback there. Ethan Lindsey reports.
Coal miners rest in the compound of a mine in Bottrop, western Germany.
Volker Hartmann, AFP/Getty Images

Will Germany brake for greenhouse gases?

Jan 15, 2007
Environmentalists want speed limits set on Germany's autobahn as a means of reducing carbon emissions. Ethan Lindsey reports that the proposal is prompting something of a national identity crisis.

Merkel and Bush make nice

Jan 5, 2007
Germans were hoping their Chancellor would ask some tough questions when she met with President Bush yesterday, but the leaders stuck to topics they could work together on. Ethan Lindsey reports.

Reporter's dream assignment: Free Beer

Dec 29, 2006
The open-source movement isn't limited to computers. The "code" for a good brew is making the rounds. Marketplace <nobr>strong-armed</nobr> reporter Ethan Lindsey into tracking down the source.
Woman pours a Free Beer from a tap.
Courtesy of

Can controversy save Berlin's opera?

Dec 19, 2006
Berlin's opera house was packed last night for the long-awaited "Idomeneo." It was canceled in September after threats from Islamic fundamentalists, but all the extra publicity could help bring back some much-needed funding, Ethan Lindsey reports.
Ramon Vargas, as Idomeneo, performs at the Salzburg Music Festival.
Josch, AFP/Getty Images

TAFTA's making a comeback

Dec 8, 2006
Government officials on both sides of the Atlantic have been revisiting the idea of opening freer trade channels between Europe and North America. Why? To compete with China of course. Ethan Lindsey reports.
Earth's city lights, created with data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System.