Eve Troeh

Latest Stories (387)

Retail gets into the Halloween spirit

Oct 27, 2010
Retailers big and small are hoping to cash in on the Halloween spirit this season. Eve Troeh reports on why the spooky festivities make for a recession-friendly holiday.

Toilet paper goes tube-free to be green

Oct 27, 2010
Toilet paper's been the same for about, oh, a hundred years or so. But the makers of Scott tissue say they have a game changer for the $9 billion industry. And they say it's a planet-saver, too. Eve Troeh reports. Plus, view a slideshow that recounts the history of TP.

UNC wins EPA energy contest

Oct 25, 2010
The key to getting people to use less electricity may be competition. Six months ago the Environmental Protection Agency launched a contest to see which buildings could lose the most kilowatts. Eve Troeh has the results.

USDA crop reports disappoint traders

Oct 25, 2010
The U.S. Department of Agriculture will hold its annual meeting with traders who rely on the agency's crop reports. And some of them are frustrated with the accuracy of the reports they've been getting lately. Eve Troeh explains.

Sandwich shop employees may join a union

Oct 22, 2010
Workers at Jimmy John's are voting whether to unionize, and become the first U.S. fast food workers to do so. Eve Troeh reports.

How Prop 23 could affect jobs

Oct 18, 2010
California's Election Day ballot will feature a key initiative in Prop 23, which could halt the state's climate change law until state unemployment drops to 5 percent. But will passing the proposition mean even more job losses? Eve Troeh reports.

Recession slows migration to U.S., EU

Oct 8, 2010
A new study from the Migration Policy Institute shows how the Great Recession is shaping immigration worldwide. Reporter Eve Troeh talks with Bill Radke about the study's findings and what's happening to immigrants already living in the U.S. and EU.

Why firms are not using profits to hire

Oct 7, 2010
U.S. companies have more money on hand than they have had in a while. But, they're not using it to give you a job. Why? Reporter Eve Troeh talks the details with Bill Radke.

Signs that spending may be picking up

Oct 6, 2010
New numbers out show consumers are opening up their wallets a little bit more than they did over the summer. Why? Reporter Eve Troeh talks with Bill Radke about the hopeful signs in retail.

The environmental costs of big firms

Oct 5, 2010
A new report measures the environmental impact of the world's 3,000 largest companies, and how much that impact costs investors. It was commissioned by a United Nations program for responsible investing. Reporter Eve Troeh talks with Bill Radke about what the report reveals.